Wednesday, May 8, 2024
HomeQuotesCultural Quote #339: Gratitude To Combat Pornography Addiction

Cultural Quote #339: Gratitude To Combat Pornography Addiction

One of the fastest ways for us to rewire those neural pathways, to reset that dopamine response. . . is the practice of daily gratitude. What ends up happening when you show or express gratitude on a daily basis, that reward center, that pleasure center, that dopamine response, it fires in the same exact way as it does when you’re getting that external stimulus.

Right now, you’ve programmed yourself to [experience] reward, to release dopamine when you see pornography, when you see women acting in a sexual way. . . When you’re going through the process of a full reboot, and you can implement a daily practice of gratitude, a simple two-to-five-minute exercise every single morning, where you can look at the world around you, where you can look at your life, and you can say, “What are things I am grateful for?” Because, let’s be honest right now, if you’re struggling with sexually compulsive behaviors or suffering with pornography addiction, chances are you’re not spending a lot of your day in gratitude. . .

When you can actually start playing offense in your reboot—so many guys fail because they’re relying solely on willpower. They’re playing defense. And playing defense in your recovery is ultimately a recipe for failure, relapse, and defeat.

Coach Frank Rich (link to full video)

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An intellectually curious millennial passionate about seeing people make healthy, informed choices about the moral direction of their lives. When I’m not reading or writing, I enjoy hiking, web-making, learning foreign languages, and watching live sports. Alumnus of Georgetown University (B.S.) and The Ohio State University (M.A.).

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