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HomeTestimonies$50,000 To Get Rid Of My Porn Addiction (New Grip On Life)

$50,000 To Get Rid Of My Porn Addiction (New Grip On Life)

fifty thousand dollars pornography addiction
“My life has literally skyrocketed.” (Image: New Grip On Life)

Today, I’ve transcribed a short, dramatic clip on YouTube that illustrates the desperation many people experience in their efforts to quit pornography. The speaker expresses his hypothetical willingness to pay $50,000 to rid himself of his porn problem for good. Maybe you have entertained similar hypotheticals in the past. (I know when I used to have chronic pain, for example, I told myself I would have paid anywhere from $5-50,000 dollars to eliminate it.)

Bread is made for laughter, and wine gladdens life, and money answers everything.

Ecclesiastes 10:19

There are things in life that money can’t buy, which is great news for those of us who aren’t rolling in dough. However, getting free from a porn habit or addiction requires investment in the form of another currency: character. While it is advisable to throw a few bucks on internet accountability software, and some people may hire a coach or therapist to assist them in their recovery/reboot, freedom isn’t financially expensive.

Check out the transcript and video below! Fortunately, the speaker was able to get free and appears to be living his best life.

Transcript of $50,000 To Get Rid Of My Porn Addiction

There was a time where I thought I said, “If someone came up to me and there was some place that was like, we can completely take care of your porn addiction, and it will cost $50,000.” I said “Go ahead, take my fucking money. Where do I sign? I don’t want this anymore.”

And I said, “Even if it was an amount that I didn’t even have, I would be fu*king asking everyone I know.” I’d be like, “I have to get this done. I have to figure this out. Because if I can figure this out, I can feel happy, I can feel, honestly, just like motivated. I’ll feel stronger.”

My life has like literally f*cking skyrocketed like to where I’m very proud. I’m glad that I’m now at the spot that I want to be. Because there were times I was like, “Honestly, I don’t know if I’m every going to beat this.”


For more, visit Hope For The Pornography Addict (7 Tips To Get Free From Your Habit Or Addiction).

An intellectually curious millennial passionate about seeing people make healthy, informed choices about the moral direction of their lives. When I’m not reading or writing, I enjoy hiking, web-making, learning foreign languages, and watching live sports. Alumnus of Georgetown University (B.S.) and The Ohio State University (M.A.).

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